Library Policies
Checkout Periods
Loan periods vary from 7 days to 60 days.
A printed receipt will list the due dates of your library materials.
7 days, no renewal - Book Express & New DVDs (Limit of 5 New DVDs at a time)
7 days - DVDs
21 days - Books, Magazines, Audiobooks, Music CDs, Knit Kits, Memory Kits, Board Games
60 days - Book Club in a Bag
Copy & Printing Fees
Black and white - $.10 per page
Color - $.50 per page
DVD Rentals
No charges to check out DVD's
DVD's check out for 7 days
New DVDs cannot be renewed, older items can be renewed twice
Borrowing Limits for New DVDs
There is a limit of 5 New DVDs on hold at one time.
New DVDs will sit on the hold shelf for 5 days (not 7).
Patrons can only have 5 New DVDs out at one time.
Families can only checkout 5 New DVDs at one time (if their cards are linked).
You may place a hold by using the catalog in the library or at home. (To Log in: Type your library card number and Password is usually the last 4 numbers of your phone number.) The Reference Desk staff will also place a hold for you within the library or by telephone, 989-837-3449. You must have your library card with you to place holds. You will be notified when the material is available to checkout.
New DVDs only allow 5 holds and they will be held for just 5 days when they arrive for you.
Holds and inter-library loan requests - No charge
Michigan Electronic Library catalog requests - No charge
Other inter-library loan - Fees as applicable
Internet Use Policy (PDF)
Library Cards
A library card is available free of charge to all individuals who show proof of residency within our service area. The cardholder is responsible for all library materials checked out, overdue fines, and various fees. The cardholder should report lost or stolen library cards to the Checkout Desk. Change of name, address, phone number, or email address should be reported to the Checkout Desk. Minors (under 18 years old) must have a parent or legal guardian present and sign for the minor to obtain a card.
Resident cards - Free (Service Areas)
Non-resident cards - $125 (beginning January 2020)
Replacement cards - $2
Borrowing materials without having library card - No fee
(All circulation policies apply.)
Lost & Damaged Material
Lost Items - Cost of the item per the library database plus an $8 processing fee
Damaged Material - If an item is returned beyond repair, the total cost of the item per the library database must be paid plus an $8 processing fee. If books on CD and MP3s are returned with missing items that can be replaced, the cost of the replacement per the vendor plus an $8 processing fee will be charged.
Failure to pay assessed fines and fees may result in suspension of library privileges or further legal action.
Lost & Found Items
After two weeks all unclaimed items found on library premises become library property. Unclaimed currency will be added to the library’s operating fund. Other unclaimed items will be disposed of in a manner to be determined by the Library Director.
Mobile Phone Use
Cell phones have become pervasive in all areas of people’s lives. Recognizing the dependency on cell phones, the library does not ban cell phone use. In order to provide an environment that meets the needs of our users, the following rules have been instituted:
Cell phone use is allowed in the library.
Cell phones should be set on vibrate while in the library.
Conversations on cell phones should be conducted in areas away from those using computers or studying. Cell phone use is not permitted in the Quiet Room. Recommended locations include: Library lobby, Orchard Room, and the hallway outside of the Youth Services area in the lower level.
Talking on a cell phone should be done as quietly as possible.
To provide faster and more efficient service, refrain from cell phone use while checking out materials and requesting information.
Library staff will interrupt cell phone users who are disturbing others and direct them to more appropriate areas.
Cell phone users should be respectful of others using the library.
Overdue Items
We are a fine free Library. There are no charges for items that are returned late.
After 7 days overdue, you will not be able to borrow additional item in the library or use our digital collections. (Hoopla, Kanopy, OverDrive)
3 days before items are due - Courtesy notice
1 day late - First overdue notice
7 days late - Second overdue notice
14 days late - Third overdue notice
21 days late - Billed for the replacement of items
51 days late - Collections notice; account turned over to the City of Midland Attorney’s Office for collections.
Two successive renewals may be made on most materials if another patron has not placed a hold on them. You must have your library card with you to renew.
New DVDs and Book Express do not allow you to renew and material loaned from another library may also not renew.
Renew your material by:
calling the circulation desk at (989) 837-3457,
texting the library at (989) 750-0060,
accessing "My Account" on our our web catalog. (View how to instructions)
in the library, stopping at the Checkout Desk, or using the catalog computers.
Rules of Conduct
The Grace A. Dow Memorial Library Staff strives to maintain pleasant facilities for all its users. The following Rules of Conduct have been developed to ensure an orderly and comfortable environment for all users of the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library.
No person shall remove any materials from the library except for those library materials offered for loan, which are checked out according to library loan procedures.
No person shall deface, damage, or destroy library property or materials including, but not limited to, inserting notes or other materials into library materials.
No person shall use tobacco, tobacco products, drugs (except for legally administered prescription drugs), or alcohol while on library property.
No person shall consume food or beverages in the library except in connection with events sponsored through the library, upon prior approval of the Library Director, and/or in designated areas.
No person shall enter the library without wearing proper footwear and a shirt.
A parent or responsible childcare provider must accompany children under twelve (12) years of age and shall not leave them unattended or unsupervised.
No person shall engage in noisy or disruptive behavior.
No person shall use any personal electronic equipment including, but not limited to, cell phones, mp3 players, portable compact disc players, portable tape recorders/players, portable radios, portable DVD players, or personal computers in a way that would disturb other users of the library.
No person shall skate, skateboard or use similar equipment on the library grounds, in the parking lot, or in the building.
No person shall sleep within the library for extended periods of time (more than 15 minutes)
No person other than employees or those directed by staff shall enter a non-public area, enter the library prior to opening, or remain in the library after closing hours.
No person shall bring animals into the library except guide animals or animals brought into the library in connection with library programs.
No person shall violate any city ordinance, state or federal law.
Any person not abiding by these or other rules and regulations of the library may be required to leave the library premises and may forfeit their library privileges. Library employees will contact the police if deemed appropriate. Patron identification (name, address, and phone number) may be requested. Upon notice, the Library Director may deny any person who violates these rules and regulations access to the library for a period commensurate with the infraction. These rules take effect on September 29, 2003, shall be on file at library public service desks, will be posted on each floor, and filed with the City Clerk.
Petition Circulator Policy
The following policy applies to use of Grace A. Dow Memorial Library property for purposes of petition circulating and other similar activities.
Petition circulators, signature gatherers or collectors must stand a reasonable distance from the Library’s main entrance. The Library has determined that a reasonable distance is a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the main entrance and/or the auditorium entrance.
Petition circulators, signature gatherers or collectors may not follow patrons, staff or other individuals into the parking lot area, into the building, or as they are approaching the building. Signature collection shall not occur in the parking lot area as this is an unsafe practice for drivers and petition circulators, signature gatherers and collectors.
The Library’s tables, chairs, and benches are for Library patron’s use only. They are not to be used by petition circulators, signature gatherers or collectors. Planters are not to be used for sitting on or placing belongings on.
Petition circulators, signature gatherers or collectors shall not post signs on the premises, including the parking lot, right of way area, sidewalk, against the building, etc. Tables, chairs, etc. may not be used by petition circulators, signature gatherers or collectors. ADA accommodations shall be considered.
Signature collection and gathering may only occur during daylight hours and during normal Library hours. This activity may not occur before dawn or after dusk should the Library be open before or after daylight. This is for the safety of our staff, patrons and the petition circulators, signature gatherers or collectors.
Issues that have been dealt with in the past include petition circulators, signature gatherers or collectors depositing trash/litter/debris, impeding vehicular or pedestrian traffic, disturbing the peace or otherwise failing to comply with the City of Midland Code of Ordinances, local or state laws. These violations are enforceable through the City Attorney’s Office and/or the Midland Police Department.
Failure to comply with the Petition Circulator Policy may result in being trespassed from the Library property.
Dated: 6/23/2022
Approved by:
Miriam Andrus, Library Director
Drafted by Midland City Attorney, James O. Branson III